When a tiny pink-faced baby girl is placed in your arms after many, many hours of labor, you are overwhelmed with love, joy, and happiness. A decade later, when that same baby girl sets out to accomplish an amazing goal, and "sticks it" as they say in gymnastics, you once again are overwhelmed with that same sense of love, joy, happiness, and a whole lot of pride, too.
So for today's post, I step up on my soapbox and boast about my one and only daughter, Miss O!
1. Top vault score! In gymnastics, female athletes compete in four events: vault, beam, bars, and floor. During this year's regular competition season, the vault proved to be Miss O's nemesis, causing her a bit of apprehension and anxiety at each meet. With determination, she nailed it at Nationals, scoring 9.300!
2. All-around third place - Level 5/Junior. For her first showing on the National level, this was an awesome accomplishment. All in all, she ranked third in her group of 24 gymnasts, and 11th among 114 gymnasts at her level and age group. All those hours and hours of practice surely paid off!
3. Daddy's girl. Besides me, T is probably Miss O's biggest fan. He is secretary of her team's parent booster club, drives her to and from practice, and cheers the loudest at meets. He coined the phrase, "Way to go O!"
A bouncing baby girl.
An award-winning gymnast.
Two proud parents.
All good things!
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