Sunday, September 11, 2011

Ten Years later

I was working at an accounting firm in Grand Rapids, MI and on the phone with Anna in our Manhattan office when she told me a plane just hit one of the towers. I was picturing a small single engine plane or something, never imagining that it could be anything so major. We kept the phone line open between us most of the day so we would know that we were both still there.

Later that day I met with the worship design team at my church, and I made this video.

Please forgive the amateur quality and clear copyright violations all over the place.

So, what good came out of September 11, 2001?

2) More people came to understand that God doesn't let or make these things happen, but instead we live in a fallen, broken world where awful things happen because of people, not because of or in spite of God.

3) We discovered a renewed pride in the USA, Firefighters, Police, military personnel, and every day heroes without uniforms or medals who made the choice on that day to do what was necessary.

1) With the memory of this day in my life, I do not take for granted the freedom I have to choose and practice religious beliefs, freedom of speech and ideas, and that as a Christian, I have the responsibility to be loving to even those where love is uncomfortable.
Matthew 5:44 "But now I tell you: love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,"

1 comment:

  1. Well done with some powerful images of 9/11. I especially like the way you ended it.

    Scott W


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