Friday, May 25, 2012

Triple Good Friday

Today is the Friday leading into Memorial Day Weekend. Memorial day is when we remember our soldiers who made the supreme sacrifice and gave their lives for their country, a cause, and their friends. So, before I get to my Friday "Good Things", a moment of silence.


Now, the good things on this Friday - all work related.

2. Early release from work this afternoon. Done at 3pm. 'nuff said.

3. Wearing a new T-shirt for casual day in the office. You may know that I have a lot of t-shirts. I love a shirt that makes me laugh. I dislike shirts that are souvenirs from locations where I've never been... people give me those sometimes. This one is a souvenir shirt, from a place I have been, that also makes me laugh, and is awesome. It's the trifecta of t-shirts.

1. It's Grilled Cheese Monday (on Friday) - this requires a brief explanation. Everyone is supposed to bring some type of cheese, bread or something to add in the sandwiches. Some people bring George Foreman grills or other types of sandwich-grill-press-thingers. We all enjoy these together around lunch.

BONUS: It's International Towel Day (of course)

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