Friday, March 2, 2012

Celebrating Seuss

Today would have been Dr. Seuss' 108th birthday. Born, Theodor Seuss Geisel, he also wrote under the name Theo LeSieg and, in one case, Rosetta Stone. Regardless of the name, we miss one of our beloved children's authors, who passed away in September, 1991.

Dr. Seuss authored 46 children's books and there wasn't a dud among them. His simple wisdom rings true today with moments like:
Be who you are and say what you think because those that care don't matter and those that matter don't care. ~ Dr. Seuss

The good Dr. didn't actually coin that phrase, but he did improve on it. It originally appeared when a society columnist asked the financier and statesman, Bernard Baruch (1870-1965), how he arranged seats for the notables attending his dinner parties, Mr. Baruch replied, "I don't bother about who sits where. Those who matter don't mind, and those who mind don't matter."

Seuss made that sound less-cranky, and less aloof. He made things accessible to people and that may be part of why his works are classics.

In his quirky, sing-song way, Seuss offered up not only Green Eggs and Ham, but a plateful of life lessons as well. Here are three good servings of Seuss' sayings from our table to yours:

2. Be Yourself

3. Follow Your Dreams

1. Care enough to promote change

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

So, all you Lerkim and Snuvs, you Nerds and you Zax with your kwiggers and wisper-ma-phones, gather up your bar-ba-loots, your wumbus, your thnadners and hump-humf-a-dumpfers, put on your midwinter jickers or floob-boober-ba-boober-bubs and have a sensational Seuss-tacular celebration!

With joy,
Thing 1 and Thing 2
You can decide which thing is who . . .

If you never did you should. These things are fun and fun is good ~ Dr. Seuss

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