Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Good Giving

Well Charlie Brown, the Christmas season is just about wrapped up with the exception of the Epiphany, or the day of the Three Kings, which is this Friday, January 6. Most of us know the story of the Magi - they came from the east by following a star to bring gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the baby Jesus.

While I didn't give any of those three things as Christmas gifts this year, I do believe I did present some good gifts to some special recipients. Here are three of my favorites:

3. Giving Tree Gifts: Each Christmas, we choose two tags from the Giving Tree at our church to provide gifts for families in need. This year, we chose a five-year-old boy and a two-year-old girl. We bought some toys on each of the children's lists, and we also purchased warm and cozy pajamas for them both. I believe all kids should have a pair of warm and cozy pj's for our cold Chicago winters.
* A bonus good thing about this year's Giving Tree tags - Miss O designed the winning tag for her age-group.

2. A handmade ornament: Because I like to think of myself as kind of crafty, I made an a special ornament for my friend and blogging partner, Brian. I wrapped it all pretty-like, enclosed a thoughtful message, and sent it off in the post. I do believe he liked it, no loved it, a lot! Well, maybe not as much as the Giordano's pizza delivered directly to his door, but just as awesome without the calories.

1. 2012 Calendars: Another gift giving tradition. Each year for quite some time now, I have made photo calendars of the kids for the grandparents, the aunties, T, and me, too. The photos feature the kids with witty captions, and generally capture the kids in all their cuteness during the 12 months prior. It's my hope that the calendars will make up for the fact that in the past decade I haven't completed the kids' baby books, nor have I documented their lives in creative scrapbooks and/or photo albums. (Don't judge me . . . you too, most likely, have photos tucked away in boxes, or since the dawning of the digital age still stuck in your camera.)

Giving tree gifts, a handmade ornament, and photo calendars . . . three good gifts this holiday season. Did you give or receive a special gift this Christmas? Do share in the comments section.

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